Challenges for the Property Manager

Scattered information accross multiple tools: CMMS from one supplier, Excel, scheduling tool... which are detrimental to fluid and efficient interactions
Multiple source of truths (walkie-talkie, sms, call, email, CMMS) lead to broken communication or gaps in discussions resulting in a lack of transparency and reducing the capability to understand what goes on.
Optimise internal processes and contractors' processes in order to break the silos and stop paying X times for Y tools.

What Urbest changed

A unique entry point for all jobs to be done: maintenance, cleaning, security, request to management.
Reduced time spent on admin tasks and an easier supervision of contractors for the property manager.
Faster communication with contractors leading to higher reactivity and quality of service for shops.
Autonomous and empowered contractors with a stronger sense of responsibility.
Reduced cost of IT tooling with one single platform for all.

Used services

What made the difference

Easy to use

Instant adoption from all users, including people who never had a smartphone before.

Customised services

One single platform to onboard all services. Instead of managing silos, the property manager simply replicated contractors' categories inside Urbest in 2 minutes.


What they say

TomShopping Mall ManagerCrystal clear, intuitive and easy to use for us. Thanks to the ease of use and fluidity, Urbest fastly became our daily friend because it answers some real daily problems linked to job monitoring, planning and reporting.
FabriceCleanerIt’s very simple to report jobs or faults. When I first used it, I had the feeling I had a gift.

Switch from silos to collaborative work

Hugo Gervais
CEO and co-founder

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